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Maximum and Minimum
on the TI-89 Titanium

Max and Min
from HOME

fMin and fMax give the locations of the smallest or largest outputs.

You do not need to type the capital M if you type in the commands.  

 --The first entry shows that the minimum value of the parabola is at
x = 0.
 --The second entry shows that the minimum value(s) occurs at both positive and negative infinity.
 --The third entry shows the location of the largest value on the restricted domain.

Use the with bar ( | ) to restrict intervals.

To find < and > :
Math menu (2nd 5)
arrow down to #8 Test
arrow right to the symbol you desire.

To find and:
Catalog:  and



Maximum/Minimum from Graph Screen

The Minumum and Maximum  commands are found under F5 Math from the Graph Screen as
#3 Minimum and #4 Maximum.


Move to the left of the area being investigated.  Hit ENTER.
Move to the right of the area being investigated.  Hit ENTER.

The minimum value occurring between your lower and upper bounds will appear at the bottom of the screen.


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